Why Do Many People Get Their Wisdom Teeth Removed?

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Wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, sit at the back of the mouth and play a crucial role in our digestion process. Despite their intended purpose, the growth and impact of these teeth on our overall oral health often necessitate their removal. The decision to remove wisdom teeth isn’t taken lightly and typically involves a thorough examination by our dentist, including X-rays or imaging. The criteria for safely keeping your wisdom teeth are stringent. They must be:

-Healthy, without any signs of decay or disease.
-Fully grown, ensuring they’ve completely emerged from the gum.
-Correctly positioned, allowing for proper bite alignment.
-Accessible for daily cleaning to maintain oral hygiene.

However, more often than not, wisdom teeth fail to meet these conditions, leading to several potential oral health issues. The primary concern is the lack of space within the mouth for these teeth to grow properly, which can result in:

-Cavities due to difficulty in cleaning these teeth.
-Infections from impacted teeth that can’t break through the gum.
-Root damage to adjacent teeth due to crowding or misalignment.
-Gum disease resulting from inflammation around the tooth.
-Crowding of other teeth, often disrupting the alignment of previously straight teeth.

Given these risks, it’s essential to consult with your dentist about the state of your wisdom teeth. Here at The Smile Team, our dentist, Dr. Abid Hidayat, and his team will do all we can to help you keep your smile intact. Still, Dr. Hidayat may recommend a wisdom tooth extraction in Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario.  To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, please give us a call at 416-546-5599 today!